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Paul Ikemire, MD

Primary Care Physician & Concierge Medicine located in the South Market District serving Downtown New Orleans and greater New Orleans, LA


About Dr. Ikemire

Paul Ikemire, MD, is a primary care physician at the modern and luxurious Nightwater Medical Center in New Orleans, Louisiana.  Dr. Ikemire takes an integrative and personalized approach to care, offering his patients a more classic patient-doctor experience that includes short wait times and comprehensive, patient-focused appointments.

After earning his Doctor of Medicine at Tulane University School of Medicine in New Orleans and completed post-graduate training at Tulane Hospital and Clinic, also located in New Orleans. 

Dr. Ikemire specializes in adult medicine and preventive healthcare. He is licensed to practice medicine in the states of Louisiana and California. To better serve his diverse community of patients, Dr. Ikemire is fluent in English and Spanish. 

Dedicated to providing medical care that meets his patient’s needs, Dr. Ikemire individualizes each appointment and treatment plan. He offers both lengthy, involved consultations for those who need extra care and attention, as well as quick and efficient appointments for patients with busy schedules. 


In addition to insurance coverage for sick visits and primary care, we offer concierge medicine plans for $49/month or $149 per visit. For more information or for questions regarding your insurance plan, call our office for assistance.

Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
United Health Care